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Hedgehog uterine effusion – ultrasound clinical examination
Uterine pus accumulation in hedgehogs may be accompanied by other symptoms such as loss of appetite, abdominal distension, and discharge....
Lesen Sie mehrHämoplasmose bei Katzen ohne biochemische Analyseprotokolle
Mycoplasma destroys erythrocyte membranes → intra- and extravascular haemolysis → secondary immune-mediated haemolysis (IMHA) → anaemia, tissue hypoxia.
Lesen Sie mehrFall eines Pleuraergusses bei einer Katze: Ablauf eines diagnostischen Notfallprogramms
Common causes of pleural effusion in cats are cardiac disease (e.g. hypertrophic cardiomyopathy), tumours (e.g. lymphoma or thymoma), infections (e.g....
Lesen Sie mehrWarum Kastration bei Katzen? Optimales Timing und Pflege nach der Operation
Spaying/neutering is a critical responsibility for pet owners, enhancing feline health and reducing stray animal populations. Females: Eliminates loud heat...
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