고양이 흉막 삼출 사례: 응급 진단 프로그램 진행 과정

Common causes of pleural effusion in cats are cardiac disease (e.g. hypertrophic cardiomyopathy), tumours (e.g. lymphoma or thymoma), infections (e.g. FIP), and coeliac disease.
고양이 중성화 수술을 해야 하는 이유? 최적의 수술 시기 및 수술 후 관리

Spaying/neutering is a critical responsibility for pet owners, enhancing feline health and reducing stray animal populations.
Females: Eliminates loud heat vocalizations (85–92 dB, akin to drill noise);
Males: Reduces urine marking by 97% and aggression by 63% (Cornell University study)