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  • 마인드레이 BC-20VET 수의학 자동 혈액 분석기

마인드레이 BC-20VET 수의학 자동 혈액 분석기

Portability, Cost-effectiveness, Quality

BC-20VET은 정확성과 비용 효율성을 결합하여 수의 혈액학 검사를 위한 신뢰할 수 있는 솔루션을 제공합니다. 저렴한 장비와 시약 비용으로 신뢰할 수 있고 경제적인 혈액학 분석기가 필요한 병원에 이상적입니다.

Key Parameters

Technical Parameters


  • The BC-20VET combines accuracy and cost-effectiveness, with low equipment and reagent costs, and supports sample testing for 13 species of animals, including dogs, cats, horses, rats, mice, rabbits, monkeys, pigs, cattle, alpacas, camels, sheep and goats, as well as 20 customizable species.


  • The BC-20VET Hematology Analyzer helps diagnose various diseases in animals through detailed blood cell count analysis. By measuring specific blood cell parameters, veterinarians can detect trends, abnormalities and potential conditions such as infection and inflammation, anemia and blood diseases, thrombocytopenia and platelet diseases, liver and kidney diseases, chronic diseases and cancer, and parasitic infections.


  • With the BC-20VET’s rapid analysis and parameter insights, veterinarians can obtain key data for early and accurate diagnosis, helping them develop treatment plans for a variety of animal species.
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      RFQ 보내기, 특별 가격 제공