Случай плеврального выпота у кошки: процесс программы экстренной диагностики

Common causes of pleural effusion in cats are cardiac disease (e.g. hypertrophic cardiomyopathy), tumours (e.g. lymphoma or thymoma), infections (e.g. FIP), and coeliac disease.
Зачем стерилизовать/кастрировать кошек? Оптимальные сроки и послеоперационный уход

Spaying/neutering is a critical responsibility for pet owners, enhancing feline health and reducing stray animal populations.
Females: Eliminates loud heat vocalizations (85–92 dB, akin to drill noise);
Males: Reduces urine marking by 97% and aggression by 63% (Cornell University study)